- Providing ongoing assistance and support
- Refer to Go4Fun or other family-focused lifestyle management services

Go4Fun is for NSW children aged 7 to 13 years who are looking for support with healthy eating and physical activity. Go4Fun is a fun way to learn more about healthier living and overall wellbeing.
Referral form
Go4Fun® referral
Send a completed form to Go4Fun. The parent/carer of the child referred will be contacted within five working days with further information on a local Go4Fun® program.
Go4Fun® Poster
Free fun program for kids to become fitter, healthier and happier.
Referral forms
Referral forms for secondary services
Secondary services are available for children from the local health area who are above a healthy weight. If age (7-13 years) and clinically appropriate, children should also be enrolled in Go4Fun.
Most clinics are multidisciplinary and may include a nurse, paediatrician, dietitian, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist and a clinical psychologist. The clinic frequency is varied.
Paediatric Service Referral (SLHD)
Nutrition and Dietetics, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
St George Hospital Dietitian Service
Nepean Family Metabolic Health Service (NBMLHD)
John Hunter Children’s Hospital Service
Growing Healthy Kids Service (SWSLHD) – Print form
Referral form
Referral forms for tertiary service
Currently there is one multidisciplinary tertiary clinic for children well above a healthy weight located at the Children’s Hospital Westmead.
The clinic is available for children aged 2-16 years with a BMI Z score > 2.5.
If age (7-13 years) and clinically appropriate, children should also be enrolled in Go4Fun.
Multidisciplinary clinics are held weekly and include a nurse, paediatrician, dietitian, physiotherapist and clinical psychologist.
Get Healthy Service
The Get Healthy Service is a free evidence-based phone and online-based health coaching service aimed at supporting people over 16 years of age living in NSW to make lifestyle changes. The program can support people to:
- eat better
- be physically active
- reduce alcohol consumption
- reach and stay at a healthy weight
- gain a healthy amount of weight in pregnancy

Referral form
Get Healthy Service Referral Form
As a health professional, you play a vital role in delivering quality clinical care to help people get well and manage their own health. Through the Get Healthy Service your patients can build healthy habits that support their wellbeing and help lower their disease risk.
Refer now to the Get Healthy Service
Download health professional referral form
Get Healthy Service FAQs
Find answers to all your questions about the Get Healthy Program.
Think, Eat and Move Program
Think, Eat and Move (TEAM) is a free online healthy lifestyle program! TEAM is designed to support teens between 13- 17 years to move more, eat better, feel better and lead healthy happy lives. TEAM is currently available to teenagers in Central and Eastern Sydney.
The program is free for young people in the Central and Eastern Sydney area and includes online activity sessions, extensive supporting resources, and regular personal health coaching over the phone with a qualified health professional.
To find out more visit Think, Eat and Move Program. Eligible young people can be referred by health professionals or self-refer.
Sign up online or call 1300 822 953.
Are you a health professional? Refer clients at Think, Eat and Move Referrals